Article | 1:46 min read

Celebrate Yourself this Holiday Season

Life Events

The holidays are all about celebrating with your loved ones. But the bills rack up. And your schedule starts getting jam packed. And you start to get tired of trying to find a parking spot at the mall. It can start to seem like you’re draining all of your energy. This is supposed to be a happy time of year. This holiday season, make sure you celebrate yourself, too.

Woman surrounded by holiday presents and frustrated

Save room in your budget for a “you” gift

When you look at your shopping list, do you feel a combination of excitement, anxiety, and dread? You've got so many friends and family on your gift list, you're wondering if you'll even be able to afford the postage to send them their present. The reality of extensive holiday spending can be a tough pill to swallow. Make it a little easier and treat yourself. Don't forget-you'll have other people who will be buying you gifts so make sure it's not something you'll be getting later. Buy yourself something spontaneous and special, or something that you've been on the fence about for a long time.

Give yourself at least one “you” day

Speaking of treating yourself, make a day of it. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant or costly-a simple day spent sleeping in and watching movies away can be enough to rejuvenate yourself. Give yourself some time away from the holiday traffic and recharge. You'll need the energy for all those upcoming parties.

Write down everything you're thankful for

Reflect on how lucky you really are. Instead of making a list of things to buy, make a list of everything you are grateful for. This time of year can be focused on mass consumerism. While it's fun to shop, sometimes it's nice to be thankful for all of the things you already have. Take inventory of your blessings.

Don't forget: being good to others makes you feel good, too

The holidays are all about thinking of others. But is that such a bad thing? You'll surely be happy to see the joy on a relative's face when they open the perfect gift. Spend time with the people you love and do what you can to make them happy. Research has shown that spending money on others can actually make you happier than spending money on yourself [1].

Take a little time to breathe during the holidays. As much as you love to spoil your loved ones, you deserve a break to spoil yourself.


[1] Are We Happier When We Give Or Receive Gifts, Greatist


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