Article | 3:03 min read

Working from Home: Balancing Your Personal Life and Career


Woman video chatting while working from home

Working from home can be a success using these tips.

You’ve found yourself working from home, struggling to balance the stress of your career and a healthy life. It can be difficult to find a happy medium between your personal life and work. Consider these tips to make your work-from-home experience more enjoyable.

At Work

  • Set reasonable and manageable goals.

    When working from home, you can get entrenched in tasks that need to get done. Each day, set goals that you can achieve and don’t overload yourself. Ask your coworkers and peers for help or flexibility on a project if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Manage your time.

    Create and stick to a set schedule even if your employer allows flexible hours now that you’re working from home. Maintaining a routine will keep your productivity high an ease stress from working constantly. This will help you set boundaries with your manager, coworker and family members.
  • Take short breaks.

    Sticking to scheduled work hours can be tough when you’re working in your own home. Take a few minutes every hour or so to stand up, stretch out and clear your mind for a moment. After a mental and physical break, you will find yourself more relaxed, less stressed and prepared to head back into your work.
  • Designate a work space.

    Finding a balance between work and life when working from home means literally setting boundaries. If possible, designate a specific work space behind closed doors to encourage focus. When your predetermined work day is over, move away from your work space and enjoy time with your family or friends.

At Home

  • Unplug and unwind.

    When work is over, it’s time to detach. Get offline and try to stop stressing about your work responsibilities. Put away any technology used for work and avoid getting it out again until the next day. Setting boundaries between your work and personal life is a must.
  • Learn to say “no”.

    Feeling overscheduled with activities when you glance at your calendar? Learn to say “no” and take some time for yourself. You don’t always have to have something scheduled to do. Take time to meditate, watch a show or movie, or read a book. Self-care is important for all professionals working from home.
  • Stay active.

    Keeping active and healthy is incredibly important during this time. Having trouble finding an exercise routine that works for you? Check out YouTube for home workouts from personal trainers or you can exercise outdoors. Investing in that set of weights is well worth it.
  • Schedule time for family and friends.

    Just as it is important to say “no”, you will also need to say "yes." Schedule time on your calendar to talk and spend time with family and friends. Although the traditional ways of spending time together may have changed, you can still talk over FaceTime or Zoom. Remember to keep in touch with those you care about who may also be working from home during this time.
  • Find support if you need it.

    No one said that working from home would be easy. If you’re struggling with striking a balance between your personal life and work responsibilities, reach out for help. You can meet with a counselor over a video call or in person to discuss managing stress. Share your concerns with a trusted friend or colleague and don’t hesitate to find help.

Working from home can be a wonderful opportunity if you can set boundaries and manage your time and stress. Asking for help and flexibility from your employer and colleagues can also aid in the transition from in-person work to remote work. Implementing these tips can turn your work-from-home experience into a success.


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