The Central Bank Secured Credit Mastercard can help you turn those financial dreams into realities. It’s a card that can help you establish or rebuild your credit. No matter your goal, we’ll help you get there.
It’s a real credit card used to build a credit history with the three major credit bureaus. To get started, you’ll need to deposit a minimum of $250 into your Savings account. The deposit you supply will determine your credit line. Visit your local branch to apply today.
Mastercard ID Theft Protection – Mastercard provides you with a number of Identity Theft resolution services, should you believe you’re a victim of identity theft.
Mastercard Airport Concierge™ – Enjoy savings on Airport Meet and Greet services, which includes a personal Meet and Greet agent to escort you 24/7 through the airport on departure, arrival, or any connecting flights at over 700 destinations worldwide.
Mastercard Global Service – Mastercard provides worldwide, 24/7 assistance with Lost and Stolen Card Reporting, Emergency Card Replacement, and Emergency Cash Advance.
Cards are issued by The Central Trust Bank pursuant to a license by Mastercard International Incorporated.
Mastercard and the circles design are trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
These are summary descriptions only. Certain restrictions, limitations and exclusions apply and are subject to change. See bank for details or call 1-800-MASTERCARD for assistance. Applicable to U.S. Cardholders only.