It’s time for you to acknowledge the end of summer and move towards the rest of your year. Alas, there’s still one day left to grant all your wishes. One more chance to keep your summer dreams alive and take the long weekend you deserve: Labor Day. Whether you'll be in the early weeks of a new college semester or looking to escape the office early on Friday, here are some ways you can spend that three-day weekend without breaking the bank.
1. Fire up the grill
The weather is warm and your schedule is free. Take a day to invite friends and family over, fire up the grill, and have a fun evening. Even easier, split the responsibilities by throwing a potluck and asking guests to each bring a dish. Save on food-related expenses and share a variety of great dishes.
2. Hit the town
Check out what your local community has planned for the long weekend. Many cities offer free events like parades and festivals. Explore new restaurants, parks, or other attractions. If you're looking to explore the city or town, but avoid the crowds of street festivals or an expensive dinner, check out a nearby park, beach, or the closest state park to take in the sights and sounds of nature. You can even visit the grocery store before and bring along a tasty picnic.
3. Head home
Labor Day weekend is the first major break for students, and it's one you shouldn't let go to waste. Freshmen who may be attending an in-state school and are only a few hours from home can use this weekend to head back for some home-cooked meals while telling family about the early days of college. If you're an upperclassmen, don't hesitate to also head home. You may need to pick up some more personal belongings, or you may find it worthwhile to enjoy the time before your studies pick up in the coming weeks. Even for non-students, finding your way back home over Labor Day weekend can be relaxing and rewarding for both you and your family. Spend your last days of summer with who matters most and receive moments that are priceless.
Whether you're an office worker or a student, there are plenty of ways to spend Labor Day weekend.