Infographic | 2:51 min read

Should Your Child Attend Summer Camp? What to Know

Life Events

With children growing up in a highly digital world, summer camps are a great way for them to experience the outdoors and learn to socialize, while making friends in a fun environment.

Although it can be hard to say goodbye to your kids for an extended period of time, know that they will be having a blast with new friends and the camp counselors. If you’re wondering if you should send your child to summer camp, learn about the benefits your child will receive.

Why Summer Camp Is Important

  1. Technology Break

    Summer camp offers a chance for children to disconnect from technology and spend time in nature. Many camps offer activities like hiking, swimming, and canoeing so children have the chance to explore the outdoors and develop a greater appreciation for the natural world.
  2. Social Skills

    Summer camp provides children with an opportunity to socialize and make new friends. At camp, kids are able to learn how to willingly talk to new people and work together in teams. In a safe environment supervised by camp staff, children get to learn to make their own decisions that allows them to quickly overcome their constant need for parental dependency.
  3. Exercise

    There is never a dull moment at camp. Kids will be participating in activities both outside and inside that keep them constantly on their feet.

    Should your child attend summer camp infographic
  4. Education

    Summer camp can be a valuable learning experience. Many camps offer a variety of educational and skill-building activities, from art and crafts to sports and music lessons. This can help children discover new interests and talents.
  5. Meet New People

    At camp, kids will meet children that they may never get to meet through school or their regular sports teams. Kids are exposed to others who may do things differently and have different beliefs. This can be from the other campers who live in different states, or from the staff they look up to as role models.
  6. Memories

    When your kids return home, they won't be able to stop talking about all of their camp adventures. Camps teach them so much more than how to make a bracelet and sing campfire songs. Your kids will thank you for sending them to camp when they are recalling their childhood memories as an adult.

How to Afford Summer Camp

Despite how many benefits your child will receive, the cost of summer camp can sometimes be a barrier for families. Here are a few tips on how to make summer camp affordable:

  1. Start Saving Early: To ensure you have enough funds to cover the cost of summer camp, start saving as early as possible.
  2. Research Different Camp Options: Camp costs can vary depending on location, duration, and activities offered. Take the time to research various options and compare their prices. Be on the lookout for discounts and promotions.
  3. Flexible Payment Plans: Some camps may allow you to pay for camp fees in installments, making it easier to manage your budget and accommodate camp expenses.
  4. Fundraise: Consider organizing fundraising activities such as a garage sale, bake sale, or car wash.
  5. Day Camps: Consider exploring different options like day camps. Local community programs often organize summer activities for children. They are usually budget-friendly while still providing an engaging and enjoyable summer camp experience.

As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is safe and well-cared for while they’re away at camp. Before choosing a camp, make sure you research the camp’s safety record, staff qualifications, and policies for medical emergencies. You should also talk to your child about what to expect at camp, and make sure they feel comfortable and excited about the experience.


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